If you would like to publish an article on Alotcer Blog, you can email us with your article. One of our publishing staff should respond to you within 24 hours. Click here to contact us.
Information about article length
If you decide to write for an online blog Alotcer, make sure that it is going to be constantly updated with fresh content so readers do not get tired of visiting the same website and come back later (or never). If you are planning on starting your own blog, make sure that you will have enough time to consistently write articles for it since search engines value consistency. An ideal article length is 500-1000 words but shorter/longer word counts can also work depending on what type of publication it’s for plus include pictures/visuals if it makes more sense than simple text only (Pinterest boards are one option where people share their favorite things and recommend others based on pictures).
After you have written your article, proofread it several times (once for content, again after rephrasing unclear wording and a final time to check for any grammar or spelling errors) before submitting the final draft. If you are writing for an ezine that is on a tight deadline, always send articles with ample lead time so there’s more time for editorial review and editing.